Cabinet sales continue downward trend: KCMA report

RESTON, Va. – Cabinet sales continued to fall, down 5.75% in April compared to a year ago, despite manufacturers in two of the three segments reporting increases, according to the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association's April Trend of Business report.

Survey respondents reported overall sales of $246,378 for April. In the year-over-year monthly comparison, custom sales were up 3.9% to $65,068, semi-custom dropped 14.5% to $133,578 and stock sales rose 13.0% to $47,742. Cabinet quantity for the month was at 659,699, a decrease of 12.7% compared to April 2023 figures.

For the year to date, cabinet sales were down for two out of three segments. Custom sales were $238,308, down 14.0%, and semi-custom sales were $517,000, down 6.7%, while stock sales rose 4.4%, to $175,976, compared to 2023 figures provided by respondents. Overall, survey respondents reported a 6.9% decrease in sales through April to $931,284, compared to the same time period last year. Cabinet quantity for the year to date was 2.5 million, a decrease of 6.3% over the same time period.

For the month over month comparison, survey respondents in April reported a slight drop (0.6%) in sales and a 2.5% decrease in  cabinet quantity compared to March figures, despite gains in two of the three segments. April's survey shows custom up 3.8% and stock up 7.8%, while semi-custom dropped 5.2% compared to March 2024 figures.

Estimated overall market sales for April were $1.0 million and estimated sales for the year to date for the overall market were $4.9 million.

The Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) represents kitchen cabinet and bath vanity manufacturers and key suppliers of goods and services to the industry. KCMA has been compiling and reporting industry sales data for more than 40 years.

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About the author
Karen Koenig | Editor

Karen M. Koenig has more than 30 years of experience in the woodworking industry, including visits to wood products manufacturing facilities throughout North America, Europe and Asia. As editor of special publications under the Woodworking Network brand, including the Red Book Best Practices resource guide and website, Karen’s responsibilities include writing, editing and coordinating of editorial content. She is also a contributor to FDMC and other Woodworking Network online and print media owned by CCI Media. She can be reached at [email protected]