Hyper-real cabinet graphics can clinch a successful proposal
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Software has taken on a growing role in the wood products business as a sales tool. How so? Since applications have the ability to run CNC machines, it was only a matter of time before that same information was translated into graphics that guide the operator in project parts production. Finished jobs are also visualized by rendering those same production files in 3D.

Now suppliers have taken it a step further, developing the ability to make photo-realistic renderings from those same files, even developing interactive screens that allow customers to play "what if" with colors, wood species and other design elements. Exhibitors at IWF will be showing the latest developing in such software. One example is Cabinet Pro's cabinet design software now features hyper-real graphics, which the company says can make the difference between a successful proposal and one that doesn't go so well. 

A rendering before enhanced graphics.
A rendering after enhanced graphics are applied.
Cabinet Pro builds cabinets, either modular or custom, based upon the user's method of construction. Users can customize cutlist reports to show the information in specifics formats, and create frameless cabinets and/or face frame cabinets in the same job.  Door styles can be changed with the click of a few keys. Users can create several bidding methods to give customers accurate bids and invoices.
The company's software is for both the small cabinet shop and the large manufacturer of cabinets, entertainment centers, doors, desks, closets, etc.

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About the author
Robert Dalheim

Robert Dalheim is an editor at the Woodworking Network. Along with publishing online news articles, he writes feature stories for the FDMC print publication. He can be reached at [email protected].