ACSP update: Don't think about bananas
By Eric Marshall
Eric Marshall, ACSP

If I tell you not to think about bananas until the end of this article can you do it?  

But I’m not going to make it easy, bananas. It’s no different than when a customer calls a week after you sold the job asking when their project will be installed, and the salesperson already told them it’s eight weeks to install. And all you want to do is say to the customer, “It’s still seven weeks out!” I know it’s frustrating but remember, if it weren’t for customers, you would not have a business, a commission, or a salary. Remember, customers are the lifeblood of any business, especially the banana business, and monkeys don’t pay for bananas.

I agree; sometimes business is hard with all the growth, supply chain issues, and install schedules booked for months. Like my boss used to tell me, “Keep your head down.” I only recently learned that he meant, “Don’t get hit by any stray bullets….”

So, what can you do when the going gets tough (you know the old saying), and the tough get going? Here’s a short list of things you can do to tighten up and get help. 

Make sure you’re using a great customer relationship management (CRM) program, and if not, look up the ACSP’s webinar for information on it or ask on the ACSP Facebook what others are using.

Have weekly meetings, including your sales and installation departments. These meetings will make the team a team instead of having them fight with each other.

Look for alternative suppliers by going to shows or searching websites or, better yet, asking on the ACSP Facebook page what other companies are using and what’s available when you’re in trouble and can’t find parts.

Remember, although we’re competitive businesses, we’re all one big team and one big happy family. Your closet competitors know your problems, and if you’re willing to share, so will we. Instead of being frustrated, be happy. Be happy you’re in business. Be happy that it’s a closet business and it’s fun. Be happy that the ACSP is here to help with training, certification, answers to questions, mentoring and camaraderie. There was a time in my life when I was unhappy, and it just didn’t work out. And all I had to do was decide to be happy, and now things are working out. Bananas.


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