Work on your business, not just in it: 'That's it, I'm fired'
Jeff Finney

Is your small business running your life? Then it might be time to fire yourself.

So says Jeff Finney, founder of Oklahoma-based Ultimate Cabinet Components, noted writer of management-related articles on Woodworking Network and other sites, podcast host and Wood Industry 40 Under 40 alumni. With the release of his book, “That’s it, I’m fired: How owner/operators can manufacture their product, success, and freedom,” he can now add author to the list.

“'That’s It, I’m fired' is a tactical guide that helps entrepreneurs transition from overworked employees to hands-off owners. It’s filled with stories and lessons from my own journey doing just that," he said.

The book is written for small to medium business owners who need help getting control of their day-to-day so they can find some well-deserved freedom, Finney explained. "It’s for the person who wants to step back and be an owner, but who struggles to get off the shop floor."

Owners can use the book to avoid some of the mistakes and hardships Finney says he has experienced as a manufacturing business owner. "It tells stories about the hardships I went through and the mistakes I made and lays out a step-by-step guide of what, ultimately, worked for my company.

"My goal is for this book to help business owners get out of the rut of feeling like a slave to their businesses. I want people to apply my hard-earned lessons to their situations so they can avoid the same hardships and regain their freedom."

Main takeaways
Finney has outlined four main areas of focus in the book: vision, delegation, efficiency and automation, and the value of your business.

Vision: "Your business vision is a roadmap that gives your business guidance. It’s like a lighthouse in the distance. You may never reach it, but it guides all of your business decisions."

Jeff Finney
Jeff Finney

Delegation: "Delegation is easy to understand, but hard to implement. In the book, you’ll find actionable ideas for how to continually delegate."

Efficiency and automation: "Efficiency and automation aren’t just for the shop floor. In the book, I’ll show you the power of automating in several areas of your business, including office processes."

Value of your business: "The value of your business should be more than just the value of your assets. Your goal should be to create a business that has value without you being there."

Reclaim by letting go
"Sometimes, to regain the freedom you deserve, you have to let go. My book is full of stories and actionable steps you can take to fire yourself so you can finally get control of your business and your life," Finney said.

"That's it, I'm fired," is available for purchase on Amazon, Apple, or Barnes & Noble's website.


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About the author
Karen Koenig | Editor

Karen M. Koenig has more than 30 years of experience in the woodworking industry, including visits to wood products manufacturing facilities throughout North America, Europe and Asia. As editor of special publications under the Woodworking Network brand, including the Red Book Best Practices resource guide and website, Karen’s responsibilities include writing, editing and coordinating of editorial content. She is also a contributor to FDMC and other Woodworking Network online and print media owned by CCI Media. She can be reached at [email protected]