Roadmap for mass timber in Canada

The use of mass timber can help the sector build more homes faster, keep the cost of construction down and boost the Canadian economy.

An ambitious and strategic vision for the future of mass timber in Canada was released that reports on its potential to transform green construction and drive economic growth.

Developed by the Transition Accelerator, a pan-Canadian economic development organization, in partnership with Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), Canadian Wood Council (CWC), and Energy Futures Lab (EFL), The Mass Timber Roadmap comes after more than a decade of collaborative efforts to unlock and demonstrate potential of mass timber and lays out a visionary plan to increase the mass timber market — both domestic and exports — to $1.2 billion by 2030 and to $2.4 billion by 2035.

“The mass timber sector provides a perfect example of how Canada can add value to its primary resources through innovative technologies and advanced skills," said Derek Eaton, The Transition Accelerator, the agency that compiled the plan. "If we act strategically and quickly, we have the opportunity to build an industry that reduces emissions, addresses urgent needs, and positions Canada to win in emerging global value chains.”

This ambitious growth aligns with increasing market demand in North America and around the world. By leveraging the power of mass timber solutions, Canada has a unique opportunity to accelerate the construction of residential and commercial structures at greater speeds, with lower costs, and with a lighter carbon footprint; all while capturing a share of a rapidly growing global market.

Achieving targets laid out in The Mass Timber Roadmap requires coordinated efforts across three critical action areas and the report provides actionable next steps, including:

1. Public-Private Collaboration: The Mass Timber Roadmap calls for a partnership between public and private sectors to develop and advance a comprehensive policy package that will enhance the value of Canada's forest resources while building domestic capacity along the supply chain.

2. Standardization: There is a need to standardize building archetypes, wood specifications, and connectors throughout the supply chain to streamline processes and reduce costs.

3. Skills Development: Implementing a robust skills development plan that encompasses all aspects of the supply chain is essential to support the sector’s growth.

"To build a world-class mass timber sector, Canada must adopt a strategic approach to ensure we can compete and win globally," said Kate Lindsay of the FPAC . "This is about smart policy here at home and bringing more Canadian wood to our cities and to the world. By enabling faster, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly construction with mass timber we can grow jobs, help address the affordable housing crunch, and reduce emissions.”




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About the author
Larry Adams | Editor

Larry Adams is a Chicago-based writer and editor who writes about how things get done. A former wire service and community newspaper reporter, Larry is an award-winning writer with more than three decades of experience. In addition to writing about woodworking, he has covered science, metrology, metalworking, industrial design, quality control, imaging, Swiss and micromanufacturing . He was previously a Tabbie Award winner for his coverage of nano-based coatings technology for the automotive industry. Larry volunteers for the historic preservation group, the Kalo Foundation/Ianelli Studios, and the science-based group, Chicago Council on Science and Technology (C2ST).