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Edgeband shaped components

The Vector Revolution 180 from Stiles Machinery allows you to apply edgebanding to shaped components and trims and scrapes simultaneously, allowing manufacturers to leverage the capacity of their existing router. The machine is designed to use simple operating logic and fits easily with traditional manufacturing methods as well as with nested-based manufacturing.

Vector Revolution 180 contour edgebander

About Stiles Machinery

Stiles has been helping manufacturers achieve high performance with quality machines and service since 1965.

Today, a wide range of industries partner with Stiles. We bring innovative concepts, new technologies and outstanding service to aerospace, transportation, alternative energy, architecture and structural elements, furniture, retail fixtures and other industries.

We offer expertise in manufacturing within a range of materials, including wood, plastics, composites, carbon fiber, glass, stone and nonferrous metals.

We can help you test and implement new techniques that will revolutionize your business and your industry.

