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Optimizing saw with inclined table

Available from Macoser, the Salvamac SalvaPush 2000 is an innovative optimizing saw with a 500mm/20-inch blade and a 25° inclined table. Designed for maximum wood yield, reduced labor, cost efficiency, and heightened productivity, it features a cutting section of 30 x 12mm (1.18 x 0.51 inch) minimum by 270 × 120mm (10.62 x4.72 inch) / 300 × 95mm (11.81 x3.74 inch) maximum. Using cutting-edge technology and proprietary Salva-Optim software, the operator controls the system using an intuitive 12-inch touchscreen, complete with access to real-time updates, statistics and cutting results, diagnostics, and management of up to 5 different cutting qualities.