Stiles Machinery to showcase solid wood automation solutions at IWF 2024

Kentwood M2000 HSK tooled molder.

Photo By Stiles Machinery

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Stiles Machinery plans to display a range of solid wood solutions at its booth (Hall B, #4385) at the International Woodworking Fair (IWF) from August 6 - 9, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Stiles has partnered with advanced solid wood machinery manufacturers to offer a comprehensive selection of innovative solutions that meet the diverse needs of the woodworking industry, ensuring businesses have access to the latest innovations and technology to enhance their production capabilities.

At IWF, Stiles will feature solid wood machinery from partners Kentwood, Salvador, CML, and Vertongen to aid in the ripping, chopping, and molding processes. Kentwood’s new CNC molders provide the market with affordable, fast, accurate machinery. Salvador and CML offer scanner technology with defect recognition. The technology features artificial intelligence, which replaces the wood grader, providing improved stability in labor cost, capacity, and overall performance.

Machinery highlights Include:

The new Kentwood M2000 HSK tooled molder (pictured above) is electronically variable up to 12,000 RPMs, including remote programming, and the latest generation of ProLink Advanced PowerControl is connected to the new ProLink Digital HSK tool center for tool inspection.

Kentwood HBR-300 horizontal band resaw features push guides, hydraulic band tensioning, cast iron wheels, and an advanced touchscreen power control device.
Salvador SuperPush 250 with the new Advantage Chop CSCAN infeed system will be showcased. The CSCAN table provides a full, detailed image of the board—using AI to analyze defects to increase capacity, efficiency, yield, and accuracy.
  • CML E350 2R ripsaw with two-moving blades combined with an optimizing infeed table will be running demonstrations with the Advantage Rip RSCAN 3D display panel.
Vertongen Shaper Sizer, equipped with a tenoner, profiler, and shaping and sizing capabilities, will demonstrate how to make cabinet doors efficiently with minimum skilled labor requirements.

In all, Stiles Machinery will showcase a wide range of equipment in one of the show's largest booths, spanning over 25,000 square feet, with more than 55 machines at booths 4835 and 4853 in exhibit hall B. Stiles will have product experts, suppliers, and consultants from around the world available to assist North American manufacturers in meeting market challenges with customized solutions.


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Larry Adams | Editor

Larry Adams is a Chicago-based writer and editor who writes about how things get done. A former wire service and community newspaper reporter, Larry is an award-winning writer with more than three decades of experience. In addition to writing about woodworking, he has covered science, metrology, metalworking, industrial design, quality control, imaging, Swiss and micromanufacturing . He was previously a Tabbie Award winner for his coverage of nano-based coatings technology for the automotive industry. Larry volunteers for the historic preservation group, the Kalo Foundation/Ianelli Studios, and the science-based group, Chicago Council on Science and Technology (C2ST).